Al-Wefaq Condemns Terrorist Act in Ahvaz, Expresses Solidarity with Victims

2018-09-24 - 8:22 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society condemned the terrorist act that took place in Ahvaz province in the Islamic Republic of Iran and led to the death of dozens of innocent Iranian people.

Al-Wefaq affirmed its firm position in rejecting and condemning all acts of terrorism carried out by the enemies of Islam and humanity everywhere.

It also stressed that acts of terror and heinous crimes, which target innocents, seek to fight life, destroy humanity and eliminate hope, and they reflect the magnitude of the defeat and collapse of those who are responsible for them.

Al-Wefaq expressed its condolences to the Iranian people and their government and especially the people of the province of Ahvaz, and prayed to Allah to have mercy on the martyrs and heal the injured.

Al-Wefaq finally said that terrorism has no religion and no homeland, and the most dangerous threat to humanity today is embracing, sponsoring, financing and justifying terrorism.

Arabic Version