Bahrain Accuses Iran of Funding Individuals to Write Political Slogans on Walls

2018-09-26 - 8:16 م

Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain accused on (September 25, 2018) Iran of standing behind protestors who wrote the King's name on streets of a village located on south west of Manama.

The Interior Minister said in a statement that an investigation had revealed that  the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had financed the operation through terrorists living as fugitives in Iran, mainly the members of the February 14 group.

The authorities arrested in a random campaign 15 citizens whom they described as "vandals" and accused them of "indulging in abusive activities to cause chaos in Malikiya during the Ashura season."

Protestors had wrote King Hamad's name on the ground to express their discontent with his policies. The government, however, responded with wide arrest campaigns.

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