Al-Wefaq Condemns Cassation Court Upholding Wa’ad Dissolution, Stresses Wa’ad Presence Rooted in Bahrain

2019-01-23 - 2:39 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Wefaq National Isalmic Society condemned the verdict issued by the cassation court in Bahrain upholding Wa'ad dissolution.

Al-Wefaq stressed in a statement that "Wa'ad as a political presence will remain with its visions, men and cadres, and will be further rooted in the conscience of Bahrainis in its national project, which has been expressed by the opposition National Democratic forces over the years, and constitutes the path of salvation from crises that are increasing rather than diminishing."

"The Bahraini regime, as a result of international support and regional militarization which has provided it with the full guarantee to proceed with the scorched earth policy, intended to abolish all entities and personalities that hold opinions that contradict the rule of tyranny, regardless of their intellectual, religious and political approach," Al-Wefaq said.

"The clean-up project announced by the regime when the peaceful protesters were crushed in 2011, relying on falsehoods and fabricated stories that revealed part of the fallacy of the Bassiouni report, is still being carried out by the security and military machinery by crushing all that is believed to hold a dissenting opinion against the regime's political, economic or security approaches," the statement said.

Since 2011, Bahrain has registered the abolition of most civil society institutions, the disruption of the human rights community, the sabotage of the union community, the undermining of political presence, the fight against cultural and social existence, the abolition of media space and the fight against every outlet that could contribute to the talk about corruption or tyranny.

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