Minors Fund Finished Handing 7.8 Million BD due to Adult Citizens in 2018

2019-02-06 - 8:30 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Minors Fund and Affairs department said that it finished handing 7.8 million BD to those who reached the age of maturity (21 years and above) in the period between January 1 2018 and January 24, 2019.

Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah Ahmadi, the Assistant Undersecretary for the Minors Fund and Affairs, called on owners of maturity bequests (who have attained the age of maturity who have been taken over by the State Council for the funds of minors and those in their judgement) to expedite the receipt of their dues from the competent department in the ministry during the official working hours.

He said: A mature person (21 years) or a legal representative can submit applications to receive their bequests entitlements via the e-Government portal https://services.bahrain.bh, with the necessary data attached.

According to the law, the adult heirs must proceed with the prescribed procedures for the receipt of their dues, since they will no longer have the legal capacity to receive them after reaching the age of maturity.

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