13 Citizens Arrested within First Week of February: Rasd News Network

2019-02-09 - 7:12 م

Bahrain Mirror: Rasd news network specialized in monitoring raids and arrests announced on February 8, 2019 the arrest of 13 citizens, including a cleric and father of martyr, and the raid of dozens of houses in about 9 Bahraini areas, within the first week of February.

The network said that during the first week of February (from 1st till 7th of February) the security authorities carried out raid campaigns on Ma'ameer and arrested a citizen with her son. Security apparatuses members also stole money and contents of houses and sabotaged their belongings.

It also noted that this escalation comes before February 14, 2011 uprising anniversary, indicating that the raided villages were Karana, Al-Musala, Jidhafs, Diraz, Abu Saiba, Al-Shakhoura, Barbar, A'lai and Eskan Salmabad.

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