CSB Completed Studying of 8000 Bonuses Requests and Allowances in 2018

2019-03-14 - 8:51 م

Bahrain Mirror: Director General of Organization and Position Budget at the Civil Service Bureau Jamal Abdulaziz Al-Alawi said that manpower planning and budget directorate concluded in 2018 studying about 8016 requests related to bonuses and allowances.

He stated that the assignment allowance was at the forefront of the services performed for the year 2018, amounting to 1959, followed by the communication allowance, which reached 1474, and then the vehicle allowance at 1328, conversion to the shift system and extended working hours by 1304 service, and hence the summoning allowance and the nature of the work, followed by the rest of the bonuses and other allowances related to the job.

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