Ayatollah Says Inviting Zionists to Attend Conference in Bahrain is Step towards Humiliation and Cooperation with Enemy

2019-04-03 - 8:15 م

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim issued on Tuesday (April 2, 2019) a statement on the Zionists participation in the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Bahrain and dubbed this hosting "a bold step on the path of humiliation and surrender rather than the honorable one."

The statement said that "Welcoming the participation of the Zionists in the Global Entrepreneurship Congress, which will be held in Bahrain, is a brave step not on an honorable path, but on the path of humiliation and surrender, the path of insolence and belittlement, and many steps are taken on this path.

"Normalization and rapid steps on its path are for pleasing the Israeli enemy, crushing the will of the nation, Islam, the people and the country, and caring for the will of Israel. This welcome - and the humiliating steps for getting closer to the Israeli enemy in that context - are a clear declaration of relinquishing the cause of the holy and sacred matters of the nation, and are in fact endorsement, support and strengthening of the nation's worst enemies."

Sheikh Isa added "It is a flagrant and obscene cooperation with this enemy in targeting our land, our holy sites and our identity. It is an open confrontation with the nation and a fierce battle against its existence. Have those who are promoting normalization taken upon themselves to spare no effort in achieving the defeat of this nation in a joint act of aggression on its land, its holy sites and its whole existence?"

"Don't they realize that the normalization with the enemy - which provides them with more factors of power, influence and penetration within the nation, enables them to carry out conspiracies in the nation, tightens the grip on the nation's policy, and gives them more time and more use of their potentials that are revived under normalization - harms the nation and aborts its revival? Don't they realize that normalization with the enemy has a huge catastrophic effect on the nation, its unity, its existence and everything sacred in it, and fulfills the dream of Israel in full control over the land, decision, present and future of this nation?" he further stated.

Ayatollah Qassim wondered "Where is the conscience of the regimes ruling the nation, as they don't fear God, aren't ashamed of the believers and have no loyalty?"

Arabic Version