Arab Quartet Boycotts International Parliamentary Conference Held in Qatar

2019-04-05 - 6:39 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain announced on Thursday boycotting the 140th General Assembly meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which will take place in Doha.

The four states submitted a statement to the General Secretariat of the Inter-Parliamentary Union during the General Assembly held in Geneva in which they "objected Qatar's hosting of the 140th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and announced boycotting the assembly's meetings in case it is held in Doha unless Qatar responds to the demands of the four countries," according to a statement published by Emirates News Agency.

The four countries cut their ties with Qatar in 2017, accusing it of funding terror groups and interfering in the internal affairs of other nations.

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