Al-Wefaq Dubs MoI Statements in Washington Fabrications

2019-04-15 - 4:03 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said the fabrications and false information told by the Interior Minister are unbelievable and reflect the real crisis between the Bahraini regime and the vast majority of the people of Bahrain.

Al-Wefaq wondered, "Does the Bahraini Interior Minister lecture and give lessons to the American society and others on the phenomenon of terrorism and violence?" expressing surprise at the Minister's cultural and behavioral background on violence and terrorism.

Al-Wefaq confirmed that the Minister's record includes a large series of countless crimes and violations documented by hundreds of international and even local reports, most notably the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI), the reports and recommendations of the Human Rights Council approved by 47 countries, including the United States and the European Union countries, and the reports of the United Nations, special rapporteurs, UN experts, EU, European Parliament and various international organizations.

The reports, information and various data revealed the involvement of the Bahraini regime. The most prominent symbol behind these violations and crimes is the Interior Minister, Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa. These violations include arresting more than 15,000 citizens over the demands related to democratic transformation, freedom and social justice, subjecting more than 5,000 citizens to brutal and deadly torture by the security services, which are headed by the Minister, and destroying 38 mosques that belong to the Shiite community.

Al-Wefaq said that the Interior Ministry's forces illegally carried out more than 57,000 raids on houses, mostly at dawn with the aim of terrorizing and frightening the people and arresting innocents and subjecting them to the dirtiest methods of degrading treatment. Al-Wefaq noted that the violations of religious freedoms and the sectarian persecution are serious and systematic.

It also confirmed that the Minister and the authoritarian regime closed every outlet in Bahrain, including preventing freedom of expression, banning freedom of assembly and demonstration, dissolving societies, revoking nationalities, inflicting systematic torture and carrying out fascist political trials. All of this is being done in order to suppress the huge popular movement and repress and confiscate the demands for democratic transformation, social justice and freedom.

Al-Wefaq concluded by stressing that the movement in Bahrain is completely patriotic and has no relation to any party; it stems from a necessary and urgent need because of the spread tyranny, the persistence of corruption and the absence of a state of law and institutions. Al-Wefaq further said that the regime's attempt to escape and evade clear and declared political demands drives it to use the pretexts of abroad and violence, which are big lies that cannot be believed by anyone who is sane, fair or aware of what is happening in Bahrain.

Al-Wefaq affirmed its insistence on the Bahraini people's demands for democratic transition, respect of human rights, and stopping corruption, brutal dictatorship and absolute totalitarian rule, expressing full faith in the peaceful approach of the movement and the patriotism of the demands.

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