President of Egyptians Union Abroad: We're Trying to Release Egyptian Advisor without Resorting to Legal Measures

2019-04-28 - 6:44 م

Bahrain Mirror: President of Egyptians Union Abroad Ismail Ali said that the union is conducting series of attempts to release Yasser Al-Attar, the Egyptian advisor of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), without the need to resort to legal measures.

He explained that the union seeks to reach a peaceful and amicable solution to the crisis without the need to resort to legal measures, due to the weak stance of Al-Attar and the high percentage of Shiites in Bahrain.

He added that the union is in contact with the Egyptian community in Bahrain, thus, a lawyer was appointed to defend the accused Egyptian advisor and follow up with him during the seven investigation days.

Ali added that the union is following the crisis updates and searching for all solutions. It, however, admitted that there is still no clear way out.

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