Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim Calls to Commemorate Quds Day, Condemns "Deal of Century"

2019-06-04 - 4:17 م

Bahrain Mirror: Spiritual leader of Shia majority in Bahrain Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim urged the crowds to renew their promise to Palestine, calling for commemorating Quds Day.

Sheikh Qassim condemned the deal of the century, saying it is a sordid, despicable, stupid and losing.

Below is his statement:

Quds Day is commemorated for the nation's masses to renew the promise to Jerusalem, Aqsa, all of Palestine, all the sacred places and precious causes of the nation, every inch of the land of Islam, and all the oppressed in the world, that there is no silence over falsehood, no acceptance of a corrupt reality, no silence over aggression, no negligence of right, no defeat before tyranny, no letting go of religion, freedom and dignity, and no truce while Jerusalem is usurped, the nation is persecuted, the right is stolen, and Islam is oppressed.

It is an appeal to all the nation's masses and generations not to rest, unless sovereignty is restored, holy places are respected, land and wealth is returned to its legitimate people and decision-making becomes independent from arrogant foreign domination and the will of the oppressor.

Commemorating International Quds Day properly in a way that suits the cause, and building the movement according to its path and aim all year long by the scholars, intellectuals and masses of the nation are for preparing for the comprehensive march, mobilization and the fateful confrontation for liberating Palestine, Jerusalem and Aqsa, and for the pride and dignity of the nation.

Quds Day is for that, and for responding to the advocates of surrendering, withdrawing, retreating, and declaring defeat.

However, the Deal of the Century and the Peace to Prosperity Workshop - a misleading false title - are for circumventing the nation's consciousness and deceiving it, and to take away from the nation's spirit the enthusiasm for the right cause, the indignation against lack of dignity, the revolution on the oppressor, the confrontation of aggression and the insistence on defeating the aggressor.

The deal and the workshop are intended to calm the nation down, and make it submit and agree on the contract of slavery, the dictates of enemies, and the final submission to the hostile policy. They are also intended to make the nation recognize the position of the worthless and admit weakness, which is rejected by our nation's true religion, great Quran, and noble messenger, the role model in honor, pride, dignity and glory for all the people of the earth.

It is a deal of sordid, despicable, stupid, suicidal, losing betrayal, whose price is perhaps a trivial living, but what is being sold are the people, with all their abilities, sanctities, pride, freedom, land, water, and what lies underneath and above the ground.


It is a deal that is based on using every inch of the nation's land and every one of its sons and daughters in the investment project for the benefit of America and Israel, and in conquering Islam, Muslims and Arabism and its people.

Governments of the nation, the stance regarding the deal, the workshop, Quds Day and its sacred cause is difficult and embarrassing.

Standing with Quds Day upsets America and Israel, and also provokes them.

Standing against Quds Day spoils the relationship with Islam and represents a blow to it.

Thus, with what will you stand before God and the nation?

Who will you worship, God or America and Israel?

Who will you respect? The Muslim peoples, whom you govern and exploit, or the enemies of the nation, America and Israel?

What about your toxic gases, burning water hoses, rubber bullets, live bullets, and birdshot? Will they be aimed at the chests and necks of the nation's people on Quds Day? Or do you see that it is terribly wrong, extremely ugly and blatantly shameful to stand with America and Israel against the religion and the nation, and to voluntarily play the role of the spiteful murderer on their behalf in compliance with their commands like slaves?

The stance is sinful, scandalous, exposing, shameful, humiliating, but expected.


Peace be upon those who follow the guidance.

Isa Ahmad Qassim

Ramadan 24, 1440 AH

May 30, 2019

Arabic Version