Deputy Finance Minister to Lead Jordan Delegation to Bahrain Conference

2019-06-25 - 3:41 م

Bahrain Mirror- Reuters: Jordan said on Saturday it will send its deputy finance minister to attend the U.S.-sponsored Bahrain conference on Palestinian economic development next week.

In a statement carried by the state news agency, the foreign ministry said it will deliver a message at the conference that convenes on Tuesday that no economic solutions can replace a political solution to end Israel's occupation of the West Bank and the setting up of a Palestinian state.

"We decided to attend the workshop to hear what will be submitted and deal with it according to our firm principles," Foreign Ministry spokesman Sufain al Qudah said.

U.S. President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt are to unveil the economic part of Trump's long-awaited Israeli-Palestinian peace plan during the Manama summit.

The $50 billion "peace to prosperity" plan includes 179 infrastructure and business projects, according to the documents reviewed by Reuters.

Trump's long-promised "Deal of the Century" peace plan has hit a political nerve in Jordan, where millions of citizens of Palestinian refugee origin live alongside native Jordanians.

Hundreds of Jordanian Islamists marched in Amman on Friday to denounce Washington's peace plan and called on the government to boycott the Bahrain summit.

Some businessmen and officials however privately say economically challenged Jordan could profit from any Middle East peace plan that promises billions in aid and project finance.

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