Nationalist Democratic, Al-Menbar Societies Welcome Decision to Release Dozens of Prisoners, Call for Comprehensive and National Reconciliation

2019-12-19 - 8:43 م

Bahrain Mirror: Both the Nationalist Democratic and Al-Menbar societies welcomed the King's decree which pardoned 269 inmates and convicts and the royal directives to implement the alternative penalty law in cases of 530 prisoners.

The two societies said in a joint statement that they hope that subsequent decrees are issued under which all prisoners of conscience are released, citizenships are restored, political, civil and press freedoms are returned, and hate speech and sectarianism are rejected."

The societies stressed that "these important breakthrough steps prompted feelings of satisfaction in all the popular and political circles, who expressed their thanks and gratitude for what has been achieved, expressing optimism to continue implementing more of these directives in the coming days, noting that this truly reflects the yearning of all citizens from various affiliations and factions to turn the page over the serious political and security repercussions the country has been experiencing over the past years."

They also extended congratulations to all the prisoners who have been released or had their sentences commuted and to their families as well.

The societies reiterated their adherence to sincere calls for a comprehensive national reconciliation that will put an end to the political crisis that has been ongoing for several years.

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