Sheikh Abdulmohsen Mulla Atiya Al-Jamri Sentenced to One Year in Jail over Religious Lecture

2020-02-28 - 7:21 م

Bahrain Mirror: A Bahraini court sentenced on Thursday (February 27, 2020) Shiite cleric Sheikh Abdulmohsen Mulla Atiya Al-Jamri to one year in jail over a religious sermon he delivered few weeks ago.

The authorities accused Al-Jamri of insulting Muawiyah Bin Abi Sufyan because he said "history books are full of figures that have no value to humanity and morals like Muawiyah and Banu Umayya".

Authorities pursue Shiite clerics for their religious lectures, accuse them of insulting figures glorified by another sect for speaking about Yazid ibn Muawiyah, the murderer of Imam Hussein, or for talking about other historical figures, in an attempt to religiously restrict the Shiite majority. 

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