Al-Wefaq Calls on People to Cooperate in Coronavirus Examination

2020-03-02 - 10:29 م

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society called on all citizens and residents to cooperate and provide facilitations in screening Coronavirus.

Al-Wefaq stressed on the necessity that competent parties adhere to providing full care and best conditions to treat the infected as well as working seriously and responsibly to facilitate the return of stranded citizens in other countries.

The society said that the interests and safety of our people are a priority at this stage and we hope that our people and all residents will be able to easily overcome this crisis.

The Society further called for exerting more efforts to provide care for citizens, high-quality health conditions and full transparency.  

Al-Wefaq wished all the infected a speedy recovery, safety and well-being and that they return to their families safe and sound.

Arabic Version