Burial of Coronavirus Victim in Jidhafs amid Severe Health Measures

2020-03-17 - 8:23 م

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Residents of Jidhafs village said that the family of coronavirus victim buried her in Al-Imam cemetery in the village amid special severe health measures.

Photos published by activists on Monday (March 16, 2020) showed a medical team wearing special equipment and a number of policemen affiliated to society service, aiming at preventing citizens from entering the cemetery for health reasons.

This was the first Bahraini death from coronavirus. The Ministry of Health said that the deceased woman was 65 years old, adding that she contracted coronavirus while she suffered from chronic diseases as well.

تواجد شرطة المجتمع في محيط مقبرة الأمام بمنطقة جدحفص أثناء دفن المصابة بفيروس كورونا

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