Qatar Prevents 31 Bahrainis from Heading to Muscat based on Sultanate of Oman's Instructions

2020-03-28 - 9:24 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Qatari authorities prevented on Saturday (March 28, 2020) 31 Bahrainis from travelling to Oman on a Qatari flight, based on sultanate of Oman's instructions.

Activists said that 31 Bahrainis were disembarked from the plane, which was scheduled to go to Muscat International Airport, noting that Omani authorities refused to receive the Bahrainis, after being informed that the Bahraini authorities had refused to receive them.

The 31 citizens who had come from Iran to Qatar were planning to go to Muscat and then to Bahrain, in a difficult journey to return home, after the government abandoned their evacuation more than a month ago.

More than 1,200 Bahrainis in Iran are suffering from the negligence of the Bahraini authorities and procrastinating in their evacuation with the outbreak of the Coronavirus, which has claimed more than 2,300 lives and infected 32,000, according to the latest statistics from the Iranian Ministry of Health.

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