MoI Puts 5 Suspected Coronavirus Policemen in Building near Jaw Prisoners

2020-05-10 - 8:21 ص

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Prisoners in Jaw Prison confirmed that the Interior Ministry quarantined 5 suspected Coronavirus policemen in building number 5 in Jaw Central Prison, a numbers of prisoners' families told Bahrain Mirror.

Prisoners confirmed to their families that there are five policemen in building number 5 which was allocated as a quarantine for them and that they have been brought from Safre area, allotted to the housing of naturalized policemen and their families.

"We consider the step taken by the Interior Ministry very dangerous on the lives of our children. We do not imagine that these police who may be infected will be placed near our children who are already suffering," the families told Bahrain Mirror.

Political prisoners in Bahrain have previously and repeatedly expressed their fear of getting infected amid the prisons overcrowding.

Security authorities continue to hold a large number of prisoners in the same small cells. A prisoner told Reuters earlier that 14 prisoners shared a prison cell designated for eight only.

Prisoners have been denied family visits since the authorities started measures to combat the Coronavirus epidemic.

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