Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim Reiterates Need to Comply with Measures of Combating Coronavirus

2020-05-16 - 12:16 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim reiterated the need to fully comply with the instructions that stop the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic in the Bahraini society and to cooperate to achieve this goal.

Sheikh Isa Qassim said "Due to the danger of coronavirus, the religious ordinances are suspended in case they cause its spread, and they include breaking the fast of the one who performed the fast of the day. If this fast breaking was in a form that spreads the pandemic, it would turn into a bad act after it was a good one."

Below is Sheikh Qassim's statement:

The victims of the coronavirus pandemic and the catastrophic human, financial, social, cultural and educational losses it has caused are sufficient to demonstrate its seriousness and danger.

The religious, logical, and rational reaction to this pandemic is a joint public cooperation to reduce its losses and tragedies, besiege it, stop its spread and end its ordeal. However, what is happening in some places is paving the way for its expansion and dominance, which lacks any sense of any degree of religious and human responsibility, without listening to the voice of religion, reason, wisdom, and serious warnings of danger to one's self, family, loved ones, friends and others, which can cause ending lives and falling under the extreme weight of adversity.

This is a naïve act that no sane person does and a religious violation that is not committed by any hasty person, or any person that respects their religion, or any person with a social sense that cares about their society. A believer, who is aware of their religious responsibility and of the gravity of this issue, would never do such a thing. The brothers and sisters in Bahrain are believers and wise, and have a profound social sense. This is inconsistent with the need for many alerts and for urging to be cautious about what exposes one's self and the society to the most serious dangers.

Due to the danger of coronavirus, the religious ordinances are suspended in case they cause its spread, and they include breaking the fast of the one who performed the fast of the day. If this fast breaking was in a form that spreads the pandemic, it would turn into a bad act after it was a good one, and into evil after it was good, and it would cause harm to the people, and God will hold its doer accountable.

Those who are burdened by staying at home to protect themselves and others must remember that the alternative may be a long, renewable quarantine and great troubles, and it may be more severe and harsher than that, God forbid.

Staying home requires that a person put in place a practical program to spend time with various activities so that they can make a good investment of time and of what benefits themselves and their family.

Arabic Version