Bahrain Raises its holdings of US Bonds from USD 721M to 1.323B

2020-07-21 - 11:47 م

Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain has raised its holdings of United States bonds to $1.323 billion, an increase of 83% on an annual basis.

US Treasury data revealed that the Kingdom of Bahrain's holdings of US bonds increased to $1.323 billion in May 2020, compared to $721 million in May 2019, an increase of 83% on an annual basis.

The US Treasury bonds are considered a means of raising funds and debts from countries and institutions. The government pays them off by their maturity date, which varies according to the term of the bond.

US bonds are appealing due to the low default risk. This explains the low interest rate; however, the US Federal Reserve has been implementing for some time a plan to raise interest rates.


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