Saudi Embassy in Lebanon Accuses Bahraini Al-Bilad Newspaper of Fabricating Statement Attributed to Saudi Ambassador

2020-08-22 - 6:38 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Saudi Embassy in Lebanon attacked the Bahraini Al-Bilad newspaper accusing it of fabricating news attributed to Saudi Ambassador Walid Al-Bukhari, stressing that it reserves its right to take legal action against the newspaper.

The Saudi Embassy said in a statement on (Tuesday, August 18, 2020) that "The act of the newspaper shows that it neither demonstrated professionalism nor did it follow the ethics of journalism to verify the authenticity of the news before publishing it. Those who contemplate the content of this fabricated story will understand its purpose and the significance of its publication, as it is intended to cast aspersions on the International Court of Justice. Furthermore, the embassy reserves its legal right in this regard."

"The International Court of Justice decision on the assassination of President Rafic Hariri is a golden opportunity to exclude Hezbollah from the political scene in Lebanon," Al-Bilad said on its Twitter account.

After the statement of the Saudi embassy, Al-Bilad account stopped tweeting on new topics, but the newspaper's official website continued to work without issuing any explanation regarding the incident.

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