New US Move to Push Saudi Arabia to Normalize Relations with Israel

2020-08-26 - 5:15 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Informed sources said that Jared Kushner, the senior adviser and son-in-law of the US President Donald Trump, will visit Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman in early September to persuade Gulf leaders to normalize relations with Israel, as the UAE did, the Middle East Monitor website reported.

Axios quoted Israeli and Arab sources as saying that Kushner will, in the first week of September, tour the Middle East, accompanied by the White House representative to international negotiations, Avi Berkowitz.

The tour will start with a visit to Jerusalem and then the UAE with the aim of inspecting the implementation of the US mediated agreement to normalize relations between the two parties.

According to the news website, "Officials familiar with the planned tour," said that "Kushner will attempt during the talks he will hold with some leaders in the region to urge more Arab countries to follow the example of the UAE and move forward towards full normalization of relations with Israel."

Axios added that the US delegation, which is expected to include National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and the State Department Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, will also visit Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman.

Later, Trump announced that he saw the possibility of Saudi Arabia concluding a similar agreement with Israel, while sources said that the U.S president wanted to hold an official ceremony in September in the courtyard of the White House to sign the Emirati-Israeli agreement.

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