Ayatollah Qassim: Establishment of Justice Only Achieved by Restoring Rights

2020-10-27 - 3:03 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Ahmad Qassim, the highest religious authority in Bahrain, stressed that "justice should remain the main demand of each movement of reform, correction and change in varying degrees."

In a statement issued on Saturday, October 24, 2020, he stressed that "those who want justice have to stick to Islam. The establishment of justice can only be achieved by restoring and praising all rights, whether political or otherwise, in a precise and complete manner."

The following is his full statement:

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficial

Justice is a main pillar of decent morals which a good life should be based on. Rights. It is the base that heads every other moral behavior, and it is not preceded by any of them, but it is a product of all the noble moral origins, and every other moral falls by departing from justice.

Honesty which doesn't lead to justice shall fall and so is the case with trust, generosity and courage.

Trust which helps treason is considered treason, and honesty, where its resource is incompatible with the preservation of justice is destructive, not constructive.

Believers and non-believers shall be treated justly in Islam. No one shall help injustice and no one shall remain silent in the face of injustice.

Delusional and ignorant are those who think that believers who understand Islam and the value of justice in it, which outweighs any other value, and who are committed to their religious vision and religious mandate, can make any bargain for a personal or public material or emotional gain, even if it appears to be a gain for Islam, if the price is to compromise justice, or help an injustice. Justice should remain the main demand of each reform, correction and change movement of varying degrees.

The establishment of justice can only be achieved by restoring all rights, whether political or otherwise, in a precise and complete manner.

Arabic Version