Flight Restriction not Lifted though Gulf Crisis Ended

2021-01-07 - 10:03 م

Bahrain Mirror: Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister confirmed that the kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain reopened their air, land and sea borders to Qatar after the countries ended their three-year siege, Al Jazeera reports.

However, Qatar Airways is waiting an NOTAM ("notice to airmen") clearly stating that these airspace restrictions no longer apply, according to the Middle East Monitor website.

In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt launched a siege of Qatar, closing their air, sea and land borders with the Gulf state, accusing it of supporting terrorism.

Doha denied the charges and said the move as an attack on its sovereignty.

Doha was later set 13 demands, ranging from closing Al Jazeera television and shuttering a Turkish base to cutting links to the Muslim Brotherhood and downgrading ties with Iran, in order for relations to be restored.

To date, none of the demands have been met. However, measures were announced on Monday to finalize reconciliation among member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), this would see all land, sea and air access reopened.

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