On Tenth Anniversary of February 14 Uprising: Al-Wefaq Says Dialogue is the Key

2021-02-16 - 8:17 ص

Bahrain Mirror: On the tenth anniversary of the February 14 uprising that sought putting an end to Al Khalifa monopoly over power, the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society stressed the importance of dialogue to solve the political crisis in the country.

Al-Wefaq said that dialogue and harmony is the key to communication and convergence of everyone, instead of brutality and violence because they are outdated old methods that have proven their failure.

It stressed that the goal of the popular movement in Bahrain "is achieving radical reform, correcting conditions, and driving the relationship between the people and the government to justice, equity and political partnership."

Below is the statement:

The experience of ten years of withstanding and giving, and continuing to claim legitimate rights and just demands generates a sense of pride. The people of Bahrain possess very special characteristics of determination and perseverance and belief in the need to build a just and strong state that is capable of providing a vital model in stability, national harmony, development, advancement, embracement of all, aspirations for the future, and good management of resources and wealth; in addition to directing energies in the right direction, which provides a safe, strong, diversified, and advanced country that can be at the level of model countries and that carries long-term visions and aspirations. Hence, we emphasize the following:

First: The goals of the Bahraini people's movement are sublime goals stemming from its Islamic principles, framed by the nation, endorsed by universal values and ideals, covered by the divine religions, and supported by all international laws and covenants. They do not include anything that contradicts or disagrees with all of the previously-mentioned, and are, instead, in harmony with it.

Second: The path adopted by the people of Bahrain in using peaceful methods and means in their movement is in harmony with human values, reason and instinct. This choice expresses strong sense of responsibility, high patriotism and a rising religious commitment that is a result of the competence and the national responsibility of the people of Bahrain in the face of tyranny and the official machine of oppression and violence.

Third: The ten-year experience puts all the local, regional and international parties in front of an equation of no retreating or softening when it comes to firm principles regarding the necessity to let the will of Bahrainis prevail in managing the affairs of their country and they become the true source of authority and to be able to create their constitutional and political future through partnership and national consensus. They possess the spirit of determination to continue the peaceful movement without regard to the costs and circumstances, since the goals are greater and more superior.

Fourth: The movement of the people of Bahrain is on the path of reform, not corruption, and it seeks the realization of truth and the solution of the country's crises and tribulations. This movement was not aimed at division, destruction or chaos. Rather, its goal is achieving radical reform, correcting conditions, and driving the relationship between the people and the government to justice, equity and political partnership.

Fifth: The people of Bahrain aspire to a political system that embraces everyone, rejects unfairness for all, adheres to justice, preserves wealth and freedom, stops corruption, manipulation, recklessness, conspiracy, slavery, conflict, and stirring up differences, promotes brotherhood, and achieves peace, stability, national sovereignty, work, joint construction, as well as the citizen's well-being, and the country's comfort, progress, security, and strength.

Sixth: The continuation of the crisis and the unilateralism in conducting the country's affairs push the official party to more strategic mistakes, which are added to the record of pressure and insistence on the legitimate, national and human need for reform and radical change. All of this confirms that the country is on the wrong path. All the laws, procedures and official actions pose a threat to the nation, its sovereignty and its wealth, including the issue of normalization with the Zionist enemy, discrimination, persecution, infringement of endowment privacy, unlawful use of the nation's funds, as occurs in retirement and taxes, and non-national administration of financial decisions.

Seventh: The demands and aspirations of the people of Bahrain form the backbone of the state, and without them we will lack sound components. The years increase the size of determination and expand the area of believers in the need for change and form the real fence for harmony, stability, progress, and construction. Arrogance, conceit and stubbornness destroy the country, hide the truth and drag the country into the collapse that was slow and is now moving at a faster pace.

Eighth: What the Bahrainis are asking for is victory, peace, good and progress for all, and in that, the winner is every Bahraini citizen. They want understanding, dialogue and harmony to be the key to communication and convergence of everyone, instead of brutality and violence because they are outdated old methods that have proven their failure. The results of betting on false titles and wrong readings of history and geography and anticipating the future are known in advance, even if those results are delayed, they are not in the interest of the authorities or the nation.

Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society

                                                                                                            February 14, 2021

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