MoI: 3 Positive COVID-19 Cases among Jaw Prisoners

2021-03-24 - 7:19 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Interior Ministry announced the discovery of 3 positive COVID-19 cases in Jaw Central Prison.

General Directorate of Reformation and Rehabilitation said on Tuesday that the periodic COVID-19 tests on inmates and employees revealed one positive case at the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre in Jaw.

The required health measures were taken immediately, including providing healthcare to the infected case at the field hospital allocated for such purpose. Those in contact were listed and tested, and the result of two of them was positive. All those on the list and are free from the virus were quarantined, and the building and the clinic were disinfected. 

The General Directorate highlighted its dedication to protecting the health and safety of all inmates by following precautionary measures to fight the spread of the virus per the rules of the information and rehabilitation organizations law and security and safety conditions.

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