Al-Wefaq Calls on Regime to Withdraw from Normalization Agreements, Immediately Expel "Zionist" Ambassador from Bahrain

Pro-Palestinian Protest in Bahrain
Pro-Palestinian Protest in Bahrain

2021-05-13 - 9:19 م

Bahrain Mirror: The National Islamic Al-Wefaq Society called on the Bahraini authorities to end the normalization agreements with the Israeli occupation entity, and work towards immediately "expelling representative of the occupying Zionist mission from Bahrain."

Al-Wefaq voiced its absolute support and solidarity with the "great Palestinian people, who are being exposed to a ruthless and insane war targeting their land and security, as well as Islamic and Christian sanctities."

In an official statement issued on Wednesday (May 12, 2021), Al-Wefaq said: "The world faces a historic responsibility to stand by the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance in the face of Zionist arrogance, which knows nothing but the language of murder, destruction and assault, provoking millions with these practices that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity per international law and international humanitarian law."

The Society further demanded "the despotic regimes that have separated themselves from their people, and unilaterally rushed to sign and normalize with the Zionist entity, mainly the Bahraini regime, to tear up these illegal agreements and apologize to the Palestinian and Bahraini people and the peoples of the nation, as they bear part of the responsibility for what is happening."

Al-Wefaq concluded its statement by urging the Bahraini people to "express their opinion next Friday and every day in support of the Palestinian people, their resistance and sanctities," stressing that "the regime must work immediately to expel the representative of the occupying Zionist mission from Bahrain."

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