Mounir Mushaima Released after being Summoned to Al-Gudaibiya Police Station

2022-01-11 - 12:23 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini security authorities released on Sunday (January 9, 2022) activist Mounir Mushaima, brother of martyr Sami Mushaima, after summoning him to Al-Gudaibiya Police Station. His summons comes as the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of Sami Mushaima approaches.


Since the execution of his brother, Mounir Mushaima has been constantly harassed by security authorities and has been summoned dozens of times for his activity.

The authorities executed martyr Sami Mushaima, along with martyr Abbas Al-Samie and Ali Al-Singace, on January 15, 2017, on charges of participating in detonating a bomb that killed Emirati officer Tarek Al-Shihi in Al-Daih area.

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