Saudi Arabia: Appeals Court Upholds Death Sentences against Two Bahrainis

2022-01-11 - 11:31 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Saudi Court of Appeals upheld on Tuesday (January 11, 2022) death sentence against Bahrainis, Sadiq Thamer and Jaafar Sultan, Al-Wefaq said via its Twitter account.

The two citizens, from Dar Kulaib, were arrested on May 8, 2015 from King Fahd Causeway. The Saudi authorities accused them of planning to detonate the bridge that links Saudi Arabia to Bahrain.

After the appeals court's ruling, the defendants have a chance to appeal the verdict in the Saudi Supreme Court within a time limit of no more than one month.

Executions are carried out only with the approval of the Saudi king, after the supreme court upholds the verdict.

Sultan and Thamer deny the charges against them and see them as politically motivated. Human rights organizations say that the detainees were tortured by the Saudi security forces to extract confessions during detention.

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