British Parliament Calls for Releasing Political Prisoners in Bahrain

2022-01-17 - 4:37 م

Bahrain Mirror: British MPs called for the release of political prisoners during a session in which the Governments of Bahrain and Britain, which uses taxpayers' money to support Bahraini agencies accused of human rights violations, were sharply criticized.

MPs criticized torture, collective sentences and human rights and religious freedoms violations in Bahrain.

Former opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn criticized the mass trials that go on in Bahrain indicating that 167 people were sentenced in one day in 2019.

He also criticized torture practices in Bahrain, indicating that many of the people put on trial have confessed under torture, duress or pressure to crimes they did not commit, or in some cases could not have committed. He called to talk with the Bahraini embassy on cases of political detainees.

MP Brendan O'Hara called for the release of Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace who is on hunger strike. Dr. Al-Singace is one of an estimated 1,400 political prisoners being held in Jaw prison.

O'Hara added that the arrest case of Hasan Mushaima, 74, is worth of highlighting. Mushaima was sentenced to life in jail. He has been subjected to torture and now suffers from medical complications resulting from it.

"While the UK sends more and more taxpayers' cash to Bahrain, the old repression and detention of political prisoners in Bahrain continues," he stated.

MP Peter Bottomley criticized the continued torture, questioning the efficiency of reforms taken by Bahrain and supported by Britain. He said "One has to say that Bahrain has much further progress to make. Its legal and justice systems will work better when torture is ended."

MP Jim Shannon, concerned in religious freedom affairs, criticized the regime demolishing of 36 Shi'a Muslim mosques. Despite promising they would rebuild the mosques, that has yet to occur after more than a decade. The Bahraini Government used covid-19 as an excuse to crack down on civil society's freedom of religion and practice of religious rites.

While other MPs called on their government to be transparent about funding Bahraini government agencies, others called for imposing sanctions against those responsible for torture in Bahrain, primarily Bahrain's Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa.

MPs addressed Middle East and North Africa Minister James Cleverly about the government's role in pressuring the Government of Bahrain to release the detainees.

MP Bambos Charalambous called on the government to resort to all means to abolish execution sentences and release political prisoners.

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