Israeli PM Arrives in Bahrain for First Time, Meets King and Crown Prince

2022-02-15 - 12:29 م

Bahrain Mirror: Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Monday arrived in Manama on first official visit to Bahrain. It is highest-level visit since the countries signed normalization agreement in the White House, under "Abraham Accords" name.

Bennett will meet with King of Bahrain on Tuesday, at the Royal Palace, in Manama, and will also meet Bahraini Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalif, his office said.

The visit announcement came this afternoon after Bahrain had finally received Israeli Security Minister Benny Gantz on the first official visit.

The Israeli Prime Minister will discuss with Bahraini officials "the importance of peace and economic development," his office said. The two sides will also discuss political and economic issues, with an emphasis on technology and innovation.

Israeli news outlets noted that "in addition to the symbolic importance of Bennett's visit to Bahrain, it sends messages to Iran, especially in the frame of enhancing regional cooperation between Israeli and the states of the region."

Israeli Security Minister Benny Gantz visited Bahrain about two weeks ago, where he met with officials and signed a memorandum of security cooperation between Bahrain and Israel. The Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid also visited Bahrain in September.

Both Lapid and Gantz deliberately visited the U.S. Fifth Fleet base in Bahrain, Haaretz said.

It reported that Israel is also concerned in deepening economic and security cooperation with Bahrain.

Bennett is slated to hold meetings with Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the crown prince and prime minister, as well as ministers of finance, foreign affairs, industry and commerce.

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