Sayed Al-Ghuraifi: Stealing Endowments Increases Crisis in Country

2023-05-06 - 8:49 م

Bahrain Mirror: Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi denounced "the seizure of some endowments", warning of "a dangerous phenomenon of taking over some endowments because they are not registered, despite the fact that they have a long history with the people," stressing that this "will aggravate the crisis in this country."

Al-Ghuraifi said, in his Friday eve sermon, May 4, 2023, at the Imam Sadiq Mosque, peace be upon him, in Al-Gufoul, that "putting some endowments in an auction for sale and allowing them to be purchased by some people under false pretense and flimsy arguments contradicts the provisions of Sharia."

He pointed out that "the great scholar Sayed Adnan Al-Moussawi documented what he was able to document of endowments, and his archives have become an approved source for endowments documentation."

Al-Ghuraifi stressed that "there are many endowments that have not been documented and their documentation is being rejected, and they are being targeted and taken over." He denounced these acts of taking over a number of endowments.

Meanwhile, he highlighted that "this theft of endowments will aggravate the crisis in the country."

Al-Ghuraifi called for addressing the issue wisely, so trust is not lost.

Arabic Version