Jaw Prison Inmates: What's Being Reported Much Less than Reality of Imprisoned Figures' Situation

2023-05-06 - 8:54 م

Bahrain Mirror: Prisoners held in Jaw Central Prison confirmed that "what is being reported outside the prison about the conditions of the detained figures is much less than it is in reality." Detainees expressed fears that any of them could die in the coming days.

The detainees warned, in an audio message from inside the prison, of "the serious consequences of the deliberate deprivation of prisoner of conscience Abdulwahab Hussein of treatment and medical care," stressing that this "portends a serious deterioration in his health and a serious threat to his life."

The detainees addressed the people of Bahrain, saying that "the regime is relentlessly proceeding with its dangerous criminal project of liquidating the figures through a policy of slow killing through deliberate medical negligence, systematic denial of treatment, cancellation of medical appointments for detainees, and failure to provide medical medicine."

The detainees said: "Our hearts are deeply saddened when we notice the weak popular enthusiasm and timid reactions in support of the leading figures who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice for the causes, pride and dignity of the people," stressed the inmates.

"Some may be under the illusion that the reported news about the conditions of the leading figures are not accurate or exaggerated for media or political purposes, but we confirm that what is being reported is way less than the reality," they added.

They pointed to "the physical weakness of the figures," noting that it is not unlikely to witness the death of any of them in the coming days.

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