Sheikh Al-Daihi: Palestine will Remain Our First Cause

2023-05-10 - 6:25 م

Bahrain Mirror: Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi, deputy Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq, stressed that "Palestine will remain our first cause and we will not be reckless in defending it despite the inaction of some rulers and their normalization with the usurping entity."

Sheikh Al-Daihi said in a tweet that "the murder of resistance leaders in Palestine and the terrorism practiced by the Israeli occupation will not affect the determination of the people and the resistance and will not prevent the Palestinian people from continuing their struggle and resistance against the usurping entity until the liberation of the entire land of Palestine."

He stressed that "the martyrdom of the resistance leaders who sacrificed their lives for freedom and liberation will only increase the determination of the nation's sons and youths to continue their struggle until achieving victory."

On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, three of the most prominent commanders of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, were killed in air raids by the occupation army on different areas of the Gaza Strip.

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