Crown Prince Refuses to Receive Letter from Families of Death Row Detainees who were Assaulted in Jaw Prison

2023-05-18 - 9:41 م

Bahrain Mirror: The office of Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa has refused to receive a letter from families of death row political prisoners, who were assaulted in Jaw Central Prison a few days ago. 

Al-Wefaq said via its Twitter account that the Crown Prince's office "refused to receive the letter and instructed the police to take a photo of it."

Jaw Prison guards attacked on Sunday (May 14, 2023) political prisoners who are sentenced to death, injuring a number of them.

Families of prisoners expressed, in a joint letter, their deep concern over the fate of their children and losing contact with them since May 15, 2023, after they were beaten by prison guards.

The families confirmed that they had received calls from Jaw Central Prison, "telling us that our loved ones (our children) were beaten by prison guards, which resulted in injuries and burns to some prisoners in Building (No. 6 in the prison)."

They added, "We do not know the seriousness of the injuries, and we have heard that (political prisoners) Mohammad Ramadan and Hussein Marzouq were taken to an unknown destination outside the building," expressing their grave concern about "the prisoners' continued exposure to ill-treatment and torture in the light of isolating them from the outside world."

The families expressed fear about the fate of their children after the Ministry of Interior issued a "vague statement stating that the situation had been controlled and order was restored," and that it had "notified the Public Prosecution and the Ombudsman of the incident (the assault on prisoners)."

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