Majeed Milad: Why Not Direct Toward Registering Endowments?

2023-05-19 - 7:44 م

Bahrain Mirror: Majeed Milad, a member of the General Secretariat of Al-Wefaq Society, wondered: "Don't the Islamic Endowments of the Jaafari Endowments Department deserve to have the government take the initiative to issue its immediate orders and directives to preserve, document and register them all, without delay, as was the case with the educational curricula?"

He asked, in an article he posted on his Twitter account on May 14, 2023: "What does it mean when the government rushes to issue directives to preserve the curricula based on our national values of safeguarding religion, not compromising its pillars, and adhering to the Islamic doctrine and its Sharia, while refraining from issuing orders to preserve the Jaffari Endowments and put an end to assaults against them?"

"Is the issue of changing the school system curricula more important than the seizure of Islamic endowments?"

Milad further stressed, "Are the curricula that were tampered with and then re-corrected more important than the Jaafari endowments?"

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