Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour Calls to Release All Prisoners, Close this Humanitarian File

2023-05-19 - 8:19 م

Bahrain Mirror: Preacher of Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour, called on the concerned authorities to "release all prisoners and close this humanitarian file," and to "reassure the families of prisoners on their sons who have been abused."

Sheikh Sanqour called on in his Friday sermon on May 19, 2023, the concerned authorities to "reassure people and families of prisoners on their sons by contacting their sons through phone calls and facilitating the arrangement of visits, not just through statements.  He said: "(prisoners' families) have been informed that a number of inmates have been subjected to abuse and violence and some have been subjected to isolation, solitary confinement and denial of adequate health care."

 while considering that "some (official) statements were brief and worrying," Sheikh Sanqour called for "closing this humanitarian file by releasing all prisoners," stressing that "the closure of this file would have a positive impact in spreading an atmosphere of optimism."

On the other hand, Sheikh Sanqour warned that the Jews would not have accepted this change if they had the chance to reject, explaining that the Jews will not accept anything other than changing our curricula according to their agenda.

He said: "After that, we will not be peers in their eyes (the Jews), but followers who pass through us their expansionist and racist projects, as their long history is stained with blood of innocents, the usurping of rights, the breaking of covenants and the contempt of nations."

Sheikh Sanqour stressed that "what happened (the attempt to change the educational curricula) imposes on those concerned detailed accountability of the ministry and careful and conscious oversight of an institutional nature.

He pointed out that "Israel does not feel despair just because it failed in its first, second or tenth attempt, as such an entity like it finds a way out for every obstacle.

He added that the change in the educational curricula made by the Ministry of Education, which deleted everything that attacks the Jews and Zionist entity and its work to change everything that provokes this usurping entity, whether a belief, fact of history or requirement of Islamic and Arab solidarity, such as the issue of Al-Quds and the Palestinian cause, would have been a serious threat to the identity, religion, values and constants of this country, and would have seriously threatened the identity of the country, its values and pillars, if it were to proceed by the same pace it started with.

Arabic Version