Sayed Hachim Al-Haidari: Bahrain is Degrading More by Arresting Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour

2023-05-24 - 10:20 م

Bahrain Mirror: Iraqi cleric Sayed Hashim Al-Haidari condemned the arrest of the Friday preacher and Imam of the Imam Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, the scholar Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour, by the Bahraini authorities.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, Sayed Al-Haidari said that "the normalizing and unjust Bahraini government is once again committing a grave mistake and another sin by arresting His Eminence scholar Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour," adding, "By doing so, it is more degrading and is an act of submitting to the Zionists."

"Every unjust step by the unjust Bahraini government is another deep nail being hit in its crumbling coffin," he added.

Sayed Al-Haidari stated "The faithful people of Bahrain, their scholars, men and women will remain proud and will continue their struggle in defending and confronting injustice."

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