After 8 Years of Arrest, Saudi Arabia Executes Two Bahraini Detainees Sadiq Thamer and Jaafar Sultan

2023-05-29 - 5:55 م

Bahrain Mirror: Eight years after being arrested in the Saudi prisons over fabricated charges, the Saudi regime executed on Monday (May 29, 2023) two Bahrainis, Sadiq Thamer and Jaafar Sultan.

The Saudi Interior Ministry issued a statement saying that detainees Thamer and Sultan were executed for allegedly "joining a terrorist cell aimed at destabilizing the security of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain."

The Saudi authorities arrested the two martyrs, Thamer and Sultan, on May 8, 2015, at the King Fahd Causeway, which connects Saudi Arabia to Bahrain, without an arrest warrant issued against them, at the time, and transferred them to the General Investigation Directorate Prison in Dammam.

The detainees were subjected to severe torture and ill-treatment and forced to sign fabricated confessions on which the Saudi judiciary relied to issue death sentences against them.

On January 11, 2022, the Riyadh-based Specialized Criminal Court for "terrorism" upheld the death sentence issued against Thamer and Sultan.

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