Al-Ghuraifi Demands Islamic Countries to Take Action against Violators of Qura'n

2023-07-09 - 5:25 م

Bahrain Mirror: Religious scholar Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi condemned "the violation of the sanctity of the Holy Qura'n and Islamic sanctities and the attack on Islam", and called on Islamic countries to "take serious action against violators of this sanctity."

Al-Ghuraifi said in his Friday sermon delivered at the Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Al-Gufoul that "The scholars and preachers of the nation are required to voice their bold word imposed by religion against all the frivolous and violators of sanctities, and against all their supporters, regardless of their positions and status," calling on intellectuals and thinkers to "be faithful guardians of the sanctities of the nation."

On the other hand, Al-Ghuraifi saluted the steadfastness of the Palestinians in the face of the Zionist aggression launched on Jenin, calling on the Islamic nation to "express with confidence this pride and dignity, especially in the face of Zionists."

While noting that "the massacre of Jenin camp is one of the fiercest operations carried out by Zionists," he stressed that "the positions of steadfastness in Palestine cry out to the consciences of Muslims, governments and peoples."

Arabic Version