Sheikh Ali Rahma: Origin of Establishment and Survival of Zionist entity in Palestine is Inherent Aggression

2023-07-09 - 5:29 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Friday preacher at the Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz in the west of the capital Manama, Sheikh Ali Rahma, said that "the recent aggression of the Zionist entity against the oppressed Muslim Palestinian people was not the first aggression and will not be the last," adding that "the origin of the establishment and survival of this usurping entity in the land of Palestine is an inherent aggression in itself."

Sheikh Rahma said in his Friday sermon on July 7, 2023, that "the entity does not differentiate in its aggression between the mujahideen and the people who are sitting doing nothing, between the old man and the small child, between the weak woman and the unarmed man, between the active valiant resistance, human rights, journalist and media people."

"If this entity represents anything, it is its aggression against all those mentioned without discrimination," he said, adding that "attacks of all kinds are poured by this usurping entity over the heads of Palestinians since it was planted in the region to this day and on a daily basis."

Sheikh Rahma considered that "the origin of the establishment of this usurping entity in the land of Palestine is aggressive, and its survival is aggressive, and its practices are aggressive, and this reveals the inherent aggression in it."

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