23 Bahraini Political, Civil, HR Organizations Demand Gov't to Expel Zionist Ambassador, Close His Embassy

2023-07-10 - 5:46 م

Bahrain Mirror: 23 political, civil and human rights organizations condemned the aggression of the Zionist occupation army on Jenin camp, and called on the Bahraini government to cancel the normalization agreement with the Zionist entity, expel its ambassador from Bahrain and close its embassy, which they dubbed "spying den".

The societies said, in a joint statement, that "the aggression on Jenin is a reflection of a greater shift of the Zionist settling community and its leaders towards fascism and racism, at a time when Arab governments and their League have stopped taking any action that curbs or limits aggression, especially the normalizing government of Bahrain, which is making unacceptable alliances with this entity against the interests of the Bahraini and Palestinian peoples."

The organizations blessed the victory of the Palestinian people and saluted their resistance, and considered that "the most important results that came out of the last round of confronting the Zionist aggression is the reaffirmation that resisting the occupation and confronting it by all means is a legitimate right of the Palestinian people, and that no force has the right to prevent them of this right to liberate their land and establish a Palestinian state."

They said: "The brutality and fascism of aggression, which reached the assault, shooting and using tear gas against hospitals and patients, confirm that normalization with this enemy is impossible, and that peace cannot be achieved with an usurping entity, which is founded on the seizure of the property of the authentic people and their lands." They added "This confirms the validity of the nation's principled position of resisting and opposing normalization and standing by the Palestinian people in their tireless struggle to achieve their legitimate goals."

Meanwhile, they called on Bahrainis to "adhere to their firm stances in supporting the Palestinian people materially and morally and to continue to resist and oppose normalization with the hateful entity." They also called on the government of Bahrain to "cancel the normalization agreement with the Zionist enemy, expel the Zionist ambassador from Bahrain and close its embassy, which is considered a spying den."

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