Interior Minister: We Don't Need Foreign Preachers and Eulogy Reciters, Bahrain isn't Religious Tourism Destination

2023-07-20 - 6:19 م

Bahrain Mirror: Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said on Thursday (July 20, 2023) that Bahrain "doesn't need foreign preachers and chanters," adding that "the Kingdom has qualified Ashoura chanters who are always ready to take up their religious responsibilities."

The Interior Minister said during his meeting with Chairman of the Jaffari Endowments Directorate, Yousif Saleh Al Saleh, members of Hussainiya Processions Authority and heads of Mattams (Community Centres) that "Bahrain isn't a religious tourism destination, and Ashoura rituals are for mourners in Bahrain."

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