Bahrain Arrests Two Egyptian Dissidents, NGO Calls for not Deporting them to Egypt

2023-08-09 - 11:21 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Shahab Centre for Human Rights urged senior UN officials to intervene and call on Bahrain not to send Mohamed Mahmoud and Muhammad Saad Hassanein to Egypt. The two were detained this week by the Bahraini authorities despite committing no crime.

"We urgently implore you to intervene in this matter and ensure the protection of the rights of these individuals," SCHR said in a letter addressed to Volker Turk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

"We request your assistance in preventing their potential deportation to Egypt, where they may face inhumane conditions and the possibility of torture and enforced disappearance due to the political nature of their cases."

The families of both men told human rights groups that Bahrain arrested them after Egypt used Interpol to issue an arrest warrant against them, based on political reasons. Mohamed Mahmoud, 59, is a businessman and father of eight children who has lived in Bahrain for the past eight years. He holds Turkish and Egyptian citizenship, and Muhammad Saad Hassanein, 45, is a computer engineer and a father of three.  

Both men are legal residents of Bahrain and hold valid residencies that let them live and work in the Gulf kingdom. Images of their ID cards were seen by Middle East Eye and confirm the validity of their residency permits. 

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