Official Discourse Imposed Restrictions on Mourning Processions in Ashura that Contradict Freedom to Hold Religious Rites

2023-08-09 - 12:46 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahrain Press Association confirmed that "the government of Bahrain has not stopped since 2011 until today inventing fake pretexts to harass its Shiite citizens because they represent the largest segment of its political opponents." BPA documented many violations committed by security forces against participants in the commemoration of Ashura rituals for this year 1445 Hijri/2023 in Bahrain. 

The BPA said, in a statement, that "the official discourse imposed restrictions on the mourning processions that contradict the freedom to hold religious rites to the recognized extent, and relied in its documentation of the violations on what was published by "Bahrain Mirror" and "Al-Wefaq" Society regarding the security forces that arrested citizens in the A'ali area after they refused to remove the Ashura banners and then released them later after obliging their families to hand over the banners and equipment used in Ashura season. It said that residents were threatened through phone calls and summonses to force them and those in charge of Ma'atam, mosques and processions to remove the Ashura manifestations, in addition to the security forces' infringement on the Ashura manifestations in various areas. 

The association criticized the statement of Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, during a meeting with Shiite institutions and events on the second day of Muharram, that Bahrain is not "a destination for religious tourism in the Ashura season," and that it "does not need any preachers and eulogy reciters from abroad," considering that "this statement is a restriction on people participating in Ashura and deprivation of their right to host whoever they want under the pretext that Ashura is for mourners from Bahrain only." It noted that "Bahrain receives many foreigners to commemorate various religious and other occasions."

"The Bahraini state media didn't cover anything related to Ashura commemoration, despite the fact that Shiites represent the majority of Bahraini society," BPA said, indicating that "the official media covers all other events."

It condemned the authorities' prohibition of Shiite prisoners from practicing their religious rituals in Ashura, recalling that Bahrain's law on prisons, which was amended in 2013, stipulates that they are partially allowed to do all of the above. It pointed out that "these violations and procedures contradict the speech of the Minister of Interior about the importance of adhering to values and good morals, rejecting hatred and working to create a safe atmosphere, love and harmony among people. This constitutes a clear violation of what is stipulated in the Bahraini Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights regarding the right of everyone to express his opinion and freedom of belief."

"The government continues to deal with its Shia citizens as second-class citizens and the restrictions it imposes on them are an extension of its previous approach," it further added.

The BPA called on the Bahraini government to "stop these measures, continue with the reforms it has adopted, and get rid of the sediments of the crisis that led to a major sectarian rift in the country," stressing "the importance of reaching policies that guarantee all citizens access to their rights without being subjected to any harassment and prosecution and the achievement of equality and justice among all segments of Bahraini society."

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