Doctor Tells Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja: Your Life is in Danger

2023-08-13 - 6:53 م

Bahrain Mirror: Maryam Al-Khawaja, daughter of prisoner of conscience Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, confirmed that her father was transferred to the intensive care unit at the "Military Hospital" due to heart rhythm problems. 

She said in an audio recording through the "X" platform that her father told her in a phone call on Friday (August 11, 2023) that he suffered rapid heart palpitation, noting that that he was taken to the prison clinic, where doctors told him that his heart condition was abnormal, and then was transferred by an ambulance to the emergency department at the "Military Hospital" where he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

She pointed out that a doctor at the hospital stressed the need to regulate the heartbeat of her father, who told her that he was on hunger strike, and the doctor told him: "Your life is in danger." Al-Khawaja indicated that her father's heartbeat improved after receiving treatment and then he was returned to prison, stressing that her father is still on hunger strike. 

She recalled that her father had been severely tortured and ill-treated during the 12 years of his arbitrary imprisonment and he demands receiving medical treatment.

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