Washington Aware of, Concerned of Hunger Strike in Jaw Prison

2023-08-19 - 11:13 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State, said on Thursday (August 18, 2023) that Washington is "aware of and concerned" of the reports of the hunger strike carried out by the detainees inside the Bahraini prisons since August 7 to demand improving their situation.

"We are concerned of the reports of this hunger strike at the Jaw Rehabilitation and Reform Centre. We have raised human rights issues with Bahraini officials, including as recently as the Secretary's July 20th meeting with the Bahraini foreign minister, where we also expressed concern about some of these reports," he stated.

Patel urged Bahrain to continue to make progress on criminal justice reforms and ensure human rights standards are upheld.

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