Former Brazilian President Stays Silent in Police Probe of Undeclared Saudi, Bahrain Gifts

2023-09-01 - 9:38 م

Bahrain Mirror: Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his wife Michelle chose to remain silent when they appeared before Federal Police on Thursday to testify in an investigation into jewelry gifts that they received from Arab heads of state, in particular Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, and never declared.

The gifts of jewelry, expensive watches and gold-plated statuettes from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain were never declared and were only known about when Bolsonaro tried to recover the batch that was seized by customs, police investigations showed, according to Reuters.

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro posted on November 17, 2021 a video on social media showing part of the suite, where he is staying in a Bahraini hotel. He said that the daily cost of his residence amounts to US$7,000, adding that "this is paid by the king of the country (Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa)."

"We know how Brazil lives. I can pay for this hotel here without any problem, and the taxpayer will be paying for this."

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