Sheikh Al-Sanqour: Wise People Expected to Speak out on Prisoners and their Demands to Satisfy their Conscience

2023-09-10 - 11:32 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Friday preacher of the Imam Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour, said that "the wise were expected to speak out about the prisoners and their demands in a way that satisfies their conscience."

Al-Sanqour said in his Friday sermon on September 8, 2023 that "the wise were expected to say that these prisoners are nationals of this state and sons of this country, and there is no harm to the state to answer their demands, and there is nothing in this that affects the security and stability of the homeland. Their demands should not be handled as if they're twisting the state's arm."

He highlighted that "these are prisoners and the state's value is preserved, and their demands should be treated as urgent humanitarian needs."

He went on to say that "if one of us wants to figure out whether their needs are urgent, let them put themselves and their children in their shoes, as this is the rule that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) taught us: "You should love for others what you love for yourself, and you hate for others what you hate for yourself." He recalled a saying by Imam Ali (as), who says: "Make yourself a balance between you and others, love for them what you love for yourself and hate for them what you hate for yourself."

Al-Sanqour also stressed that "the crimes carried out by the usurping entity against our nation can never be forgotten."

He also mentioned a verse from the holy Quran, which states: "The disbelievers among the Children of Israel were condemned in the revelations of David and Jesus, son of Mary. That was for their disobedience and violations," explaining that "the Israeli usurping entity is an enemy and will remain an enemy as long as the heavens and the earth worship our God, and thus we owe it to God Almighty."

He pointed out that "the pariah entity continues to persist in its hatred and aggression against the Holy Land, and continues to practice its injustice against the people of Palestine and the peoples of the region, and it continues to destroy, deceive and plot in order to dominate and acquire more of the capabilities and resources of this nation."

Arabic Version