Employees Dismissed from "Gulf Air" Not Reinstated in Previous Jobs

2023-09-12 - 1:20 م

Bahrain Mirror: Employees dismissed from Gulf Air were not reinstated in their previous jobs in the company with the same salary and privileges, but were offered to work in companies affiliated with the Gulf Air Group with new contracts in addition to retirement offers.

Returning to their previous jobs in the main company with the same salary and privileges was not among the offers. 

On Sunday, September 10, 2023, Minister of Labor Jameel Hmaidan and Gulf Air Chairman Zayed Al-Zayani announced agreeing on reinstating the "dismissed" employees within the company's cadres who were included in the decision to merge and restructure their supporting departments, and giving them several options.

The Minister of Labour claimed that "in agreement with the company, the options offered to the employees included in the decision will include the provision of alternative job opportunities in the companies under the umbrella of Gulf Air Holding Group, or submitting retirement offers for those whose years of service qualify them for retirement, or submitting appropriate end-of-service offers for those who wish."

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